Me and Heads of Schools . . .

This is a different post altogether – Its not a photo-journal, nor is it a photo-tutorial – as a matter of fact it has nothing to do with photos.

Its about a very curious phenomenon (you can call it co-incidence) that has happened around me and the heads of various schools I have been through.

1990 – St. Edwards School, Shimla: I left school after sixth to join Lawrence School, Sanawar. Our school principal retired in 1989.

1995 – Lawrence School, Sanawar: I passed grade 10 and went on to join DAV College, Chandigarh from my +2. The school headmaster left to join another international school in 1994.

1997 – DAV College, Chandigarh: Went on to join Chandigarh College of Architecture after passing grade 12. The school principal retired in 1997

2002 – Chandigarh College of Architecture: Graduated from college in 2002; our principal retired in 2002 as his term had ended.

2003 – School of Planning and Architecture, Department of Building Engineering and Management: Graduated in 2004. The HOD’s term ended in 2004-05 and he was replaced.

2009 – Indian School of Business: Graduated 2009, the Dean had to resign in 2008 end.

Isn’t it funny – can it be called a mere coincidence, I wonder . ..  . Any comments anyone ?

10 thoughts on “Me and Heads of Schools . . .”

  1. LOL. Very funny and intriguing. I have for long brooded about my similar history with firms/ companies I worked with. Most of them bundled up or faced very tough times after I left. Good to know I am not the only one.

  2. it IS something.recen​tly we had a coincidence.BG got two birthday presents from inder jit and ashwani gulati.inder got it from bangalore-a wooden inlay work depicting krishenji with a cow.ashwani got a picture of kishenji with cow (calender art)both of them were unaware of what other gift was.coincidence​ or what???

  3. it IS something.recently we had a coincidence.BG got two birthday presents from inder jit and ashwani gulati.inder got it from bangalore-a wooden inlay work depicting krishenji with a cow.ashwani got a picture of kishenji with cow (calender art)both of them were unaware of what other gift was.coincidence or what???

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