LED Clock

One of my clocks stopped working – and it happened to be a clock my wife likes a lot. Went to the repair shop and the guy said that he didn’t have the spare parts and could not repair this. So – I thought – why not build an LED clock – I had tons of LEDs and an RTC module just waiting to be used.

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Standalone Temperature and Humidity Control v2

If you’ve reached here directly – please see:


I’ve modified the code to add the following:

  1. Used the OneButton library so that the setpoint can be increased by clicking button and decreased by long clicking the button
  2. Used the Timer library so that I don’t rely on delay – which was inaccurate
  3. Change the logic for temperature such that the heater gets switched on if the temperature goes below the setpoint. Makes more sense as you don’t need the heater to be on at the setpoint. Also, reduces chances of the heater malfunctioning by switching on and off all the time
  4. Used a similar logic for humidity – on when humidity is less than 50 and off when it is more than 60

Continue reading Standalone Temperature and Humidity Control v2