01 Sep 2009 Grenadine Syrup
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Grenadine (grenadine syrup) is a blood-red, strong syrup made from pomegranates. It is the number one among fruit syrups, and is used in many cocktails not only for sweetening, but also to give them a red color.
Grenadine syrup for use in a bar is usually bought on bottles, but you can also make your own:


  • 6 cups pomegranate juice
  • 300 gms honey

1. Boil the juice
2. Simmer with a cup honey over low heat 30 minutes.
3. Stir well.
4. Chill

Can be used in many different cocktails like:

Bacardi Cocktail
Clover Club
Jack Rose
Monkey Gland
Pink Lady
Scottish Guard
Singapore Sling
Ward 8

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One Response

  1. so now you are a cook?? Still better. Do not let sonali anywhere near the syrup . hahahah

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